
screenshot of web article of The 12 best bath bombs for a relaxing time in the tub with photo of several bath bombs

The 12 best bath bombs for a relaxing time in t...

Thank you to the New York Post for including us in the "The 12 best bath bombs for a relaxing time in the tub"

The 12 best bath bombs for a relaxing time in t...

Thank you to the New York Post for including us in the "The 12 best bath bombs for a relaxing time in the tub"

good clean fun book cover with makeup on teal background

USA Today names 'Good Clean Beauty' as one of t...

  Thank you, USA Today, for including our book 'Good Clean Beauty' in their article, 10 Books That Might Just Change Your Life Right Now. Click here to read the full article. 

USA Today names 'Good Clean Beauty' as one of t...

  Thank you, USA Today, for including our book 'Good Clean Beauty' in their article, 10 Books That Might Just Change Your Life Right Now. Click here to read the full article. 

Thanks for the Feature, thred.!

  Thank you thred. for the fun interview and great article! We really appreciate it! To read the full article, “Gen Z start-up ‘Da Bomb’ is changing entrepreneurship,” click here....

Thanks for the Feature, thred.!

  Thank you thred. for the fun interview and great article! We really appreciate it! To read the full article, “Gen Z start-up ‘Da Bomb’ is changing entrepreneurship,” click here....

white Shop Girls logo on black background

Thanks for having us, Shop Girls!

  Thank you Ali Kaplan and Stephanie March for having us on your podcast, Shop Girls. It’s always fun to speak with the great Ali Kaplan and Stephanie March! To...

Thanks for having us, Shop Girls!

  Thank you Ali Kaplan and Stephanie March for having us on your podcast, Shop Girls. It’s always fun to speak with the great Ali Kaplan and Stephanie March! To...

today is the future thumbnail of 3 women on yellow background

Thanks for having us, Today is the Future!

Thank you Livi Redden and Today is the Future for having us on your podcast. It was so much fun to speak with Livi Redden! Listen to our interview by...

Thanks for having us, Today is the Future!

Thank you Livi Redden and Today is the Future for having us on your podcast. It was so much fun to speak with Livi Redden! Listen to our interview by...

screen shot of webpage, 2 girls sitting under confetti, text reads caroline and isable bercaw of da bomb bath fizzers, sisterpreneur success

Thanks for having us, Million Dollar Mind!

 Thank you Julie Pimsleur and Million Dollar Mind for having us on your podcast. It was so much fun to speak with the great Julie Pimsleur! Listen to our interview...

Thanks for having us, Million Dollar Mind!

 Thank you Julie Pimsleur and Million Dollar Mind for having us on your podcast. It was so much fun to speak with the great Julie Pimsleur! Listen to our interview...